Friday, June 24, 2011

Upmc - is it a conflict of interest?

How can Upmc be both a hospital system AND a Health insurance company?  Isn't that a conflict of interest?   I'm all for paying my fair share, but I'm wondering if UPMC is Good or Evil?  Are they raising rates to run other companies out of business or because they're greedy or because their costs are really higher?  Maybe they need to become more efficient as a company?

I'm wondering how blurry the lines are between being a health care provider and being a health insurance company.

Do the 2 entities need to be run separately?  UPMC recently decided to NOT negotiate a 40% increase with Highmark.  My question is...  did the Upmc Insurance side of Upmc get the same sweet 40% increase? And gleefully accept?  Or did they given themselves a discount? Is UPMC free to give the UPMC Health Insurance company ANY  deal that it chooses without disclosing anything?   Is it just "funny" money within Upmc itself?  So while they price out the competition - like Highmark & others - are they giving themselves a BIG FAT discount?  Maybe if they bump up their "costs" to other insurance companies, they can actually have a decrease in what upmc health insurance pays for those same services.

Seems like unfair competition to me.  A monopoly of sorts.  Of course, once they price everyone else out - then they can raise their insurance rates as much as they choose.  That's how it is if you're the only game in town....  right?

In the end... someone will get rich off of it & the middle class will pay more - as we always do...

Just my 2 cents.

I'm sure there's a silver lining here somewhere, I just can't seem to find it.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Happy Father's Day to those who are with us and to those who have passed before us.

Happy Father's Day to Charlie.  We miss you.  I miss you.  Its been 10 years & I still miss having my Dad here on this Earth.  If you were here, I'd still struggle over what to get you for Father's Day, but I know we'd be over to see you.  You left us much too soon.

Happy Father's Day Uncle Rod.
Happy Father's Day Uncle Bob.
Happy Father's Day Uncle Tim.

Happy Father's Day to both my grand fathers Walt & Edward. 

We miss you guys and hope that you'll be celebrating with us tomorrow.

I hope that Dad's out there are taking an active part in their child's lives.  Kids need their Dads.   Its not always easy & its not supposed to be - but each of our kids are a blessing in their own way.  & its our job to help them become all that they can be.  To help them get a good start in life; to help them grow & become good people.

Being someone's Dad is a honor and a privilege and we shouldn't take it lightly or for granted.   You never know when they can be taken away from us (or us from them) & so we should cherish each & every moment with our kids.

Happy Father's Day.


I wonder if UPMC is raising everyone's rates by 40% or just the Highmark customers? 

Hi.  We're your paying customers who have been going to UPMC doctors & facilities & have been paying your bills.  We will not forget your choice to price us out of your services...

just saying....

You never forget when you've been treated badly.

And when given the choice - we may opt for non UPMC.  You don't own this town like you think - or maybe you do...

Seems like a monopoly to me -- especially after taking over Children's Hospital (which by the way, is one of the nicest facilities I've been to), but now it may be out of my reach after 2013 because UPMC apparently has decided they can charge however much they want.   They can almost double the price if they want.  And that's okay?  And - i guess - that somehow fits within our new health care reform?  Can anyone explain how that works?  Really?

It seems like it could be an opportunity for some well known pediatric medical types to swoop in & establish themselves here in the Pittsburgh area & pick up a lot of new patients.

There might be plenty of insured folks looking for other health care facilities and doctors because UPMC is in a position to take advantage & they seem to be doing so...