Friday, June 24, 2011

Upmc - is it a conflict of interest?

How can Upmc be both a hospital system AND a Health insurance company?  Isn't that a conflict of interest?   I'm all for paying my fair share, but I'm wondering if UPMC is Good or Evil?  Are they raising rates to run other companies out of business or because they're greedy or because their costs are really higher?  Maybe they need to become more efficient as a company?

I'm wondering how blurry the lines are between being a health care provider and being a health insurance company.

Do the 2 entities need to be run separately?  UPMC recently decided to NOT negotiate a 40% increase with Highmark.  My question is...  did the Upmc Insurance side of Upmc get the same sweet 40% increase? And gleefully accept?  Or did they given themselves a discount? Is UPMC free to give the UPMC Health Insurance company ANY  deal that it chooses without disclosing anything?   Is it just "funny" money within Upmc itself?  So while they price out the competition - like Highmark & others - are they giving themselves a BIG FAT discount?  Maybe if they bump up their "costs" to other insurance companies, they can actually have a decrease in what upmc health insurance pays for those same services.

Seems like unfair competition to me.  A monopoly of sorts.  Of course, once they price everyone else out - then they can raise their insurance rates as much as they choose.  That's how it is if you're the only game in town....  right?

In the end... someone will get rich off of it & the middle class will pay more - as we always do...

Just my 2 cents.

I'm sure there's a silver lining here somewhere, I just can't seem to find it.

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